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art products

Atelier Vero - Fun New England Coastal Art

Aster Candle small batch soy candles Lincoln, RI

Beaded bookmarks, one of a kind by Riverside, RI maker

Greeting Cards by Felix Doolittle Newton, MA

Greeting Card Sensations by Sidney Barrington, RI

Juniper Hill Apothecary Candles, Bristol, RI

Litographs Tattoos & Prints created in Boston, MA

Metal & tassel bookmarks crafted by Half a Rogue Studio Warren, RI

Metal & wood fish crafted by Half a Rogue Studio Warren, RI

Natalia’s Niknaks hand crafted products from Warren, RI

Sacred Flame Candles, Providence, RI Garnished With Herbs, Flowers, and Crystals for Energy Healing

Universe Letters Reversible Bracelet made Rhode Island
